The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's public newsletter for March 2011 is now available online. You can access the main table of contents at DEC's website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/newsletter.html
Snow and Ice Hazards for Recreationists in the Adirondacks http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72423.html - Unstable snow and unsafe ice in the Adirondacks can make winter recreation deadly for those who are unprepared.
NYS Rechargeable Battery Recycling Law
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72469.html - The law requires manufacturers of covered rechargeable batteries to collect and recycle the batteries statewide in a manufacturer-funded program at no cost to consumers.
U.N. General Assembly Declares 2011 "International Year of Forests"
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72561.html - DEC was invited to send a delegate to the ninth session of the U.N. Forum on Forests, where ways to sustainably manage the world's forest resources were discussed.
Trout Season Opens April 1
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72515.html - New York State offers world-class fishing for a wide variety of species on more than 7,500 lakes and ponds, 50,000 miles of rivers and streams and hundreds of miles of coastline.
Comments Invited on New SEQR Forms
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72518.html - Comments and supporting documents will be accepted on new State Environmental Quality Review forms until the close of business on April 8, 2011.
Bald Eagles a Welcome Sight at Onondaga Lake http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72481.html - In another promising sign of the lake's comeback, an increasing number of American bald eagles return year after year, much to the delight of bird watchers and nature lovers.
Brain Worm in NYS Moose
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72478.html - Brain worm causes moose and other susceptible animals to behave abnormally, compromises their health and eventually kills them.
Meetings on "State of Lake Ontario" Scheduled http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72498.html - These meetings, to be held in Oswego, Niagara and Monroe counties, will provide an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in the lake to talk to the scientists who study its fisheries.
Transfer of Lifetime Sporting Licenses Now Possible http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72467.html - A new state law that became effective on January 15, 2011 allows for the one-time transfer of lifetime hunting, fishing and trapping licenses under certain circumstances.
Exams for Wildlife Rehabilitator and Falconry Apprentice http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72528.html - The deadline to apply for either exam is April 1, and both exams are scheduled for April 22.
Applications for Pheasant Release Program Due March 15, 2011 http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72422.html - This program enhances pheasant hunting opportunities through a partnership with DEC, sportsmen and sportswomen, 4-H youth and landowners who are interested in rearing and releasing pheasants.
Miscellaneous News
http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/72545.html - Even though there's still ice and snow around, it's not too early to make a reservation at a DEC environmental education camp or campground. Also, applications are now being accepted for the eighth annual NYS Environmental Excellence Awards program and registration is open for the June Becoming and Outdoors-Woman workshops.
If you are interested in learning about the environment, also check out our award-winning outdoor magazine, the Conservationist. You get 7 issues of gorgeous photographs and captivating articles for only $12 a year or 14 issues for $21 when subscribing online. Check it out at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/pubs/conservationist.html
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